
Kärt-Katrin Voolaid

5 - hinnanguid kokku: 3
Ravi tulemuslikkus
5/5 Avaldatud 1 aasta tagasi

"Very supportive with an excellent vibe"

I highly recommend Dr. Kärt-Katrin as an excellent gynecologist. I had the privilege of being her patient few times during my pregnency and was extremely impressed with her expertise, professionalism, and compassionate care. She created a comfortable and safe environment for me to discuss my concerns, and she listened attentively to all my questions. Her depth of knowledge in the field of gynecology is truly impressive, and she provided me with clear explanations and guidance regarding my health. Additionally, during my ultrasound and other examination, Dr. Kärt-Katrin demonstrated exceptional professionalism, ensuring that I fully understood every step of the examination and any procedures that were required. Her attention to detail and commitment to patient well-being were evident throughout my entire experience. Suur tänu to her !

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5/5 Avaldatud 4 aastat tagasi

"Väga positiivne arst"

Arst kes toetab sind igas raskes olukorras ning on alati positiivse suhtumisega. Jagab palju head informatsiooni ning on väga vastutulelik.

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Jaga oma kogemusi teiste patsientidega! Iga kogemus on jagamist väärt!

Anna hinnang arstile (Kärt-Katrin Voolaid)

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Peale vastuvõtul käimist kutsume Sind jagama tagasisidet osutatud teenuse osas.

TerviseTrendi kataloogi on jäetud juba üle 50 000 hinnangu! Hinnangu lisamine on lihtne, anonüümne ning võtab vaid mõne minuti.

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