Siret Leoke
"Uavailable, uncaring and not interested"
I had Siret as a midwife throughout my pregnancy. I found her very uncaring and not interested. I have been to the same hospital and met great midwives who really invest emotionally to the health of the woman and the baby, but Siret was always unavailable. If I would ask her a similar question twice, she would rudely tell me that she just answered it, or she has answered it a week before or a month before. I just think being a midwife does not suit her.
"Hooliv ämmaemand"
Pelgulinna sünnitusmajas ämmaemandana väga profesionaalne, avatud suhtleja, vastab küsimustele ja tunneb huvi tervise vastu. Oma töös põhjalik.
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